Linde Load Management Advanced for pallet stackers
Assistant for the safe handling of goods
Protecting people and goods
Operator errors are the most common cause of accidents in intralogistics. The risk of accidents rises with the continuously increasing workload. Pressure to work faster and more productively can also lead to stress and fatigue. The result: a decrease in concentration and, in the worst case, serious accidents.
Even at full concentration, it is often challenging for pallet stacker operators to correctly assess a dangerous situation: How heavy is the current total load? How much higher can the load be lifted? What speed is suitable for the load weight and lifting height?
The assistance system Linde Load Management Advanced has the answer to exactly these questions, it warns the operator and can even intervene if necessary.
Functions at a glance
Visible warning, active control
The Linde Load Management Advanced assistance system makes load handling with pallet stackers easier and safer. It gives the operator clear visual and acoustic warning signals on a large color display. If the actual load weight exceeds the maximum load capacity, the lifting function is automatically disabled to prevent critical situations. In addition, Linde Load Management Advanced actively controls the driving speed and acceleration based on the lifting height, load weight, and steering angle. The system follows a risk-dependent sequence:
1. Warning when approaching the limit range
A yellow warning symbol indicates that the load limit is being approached and a warning tone sounds at the same time. On the display, the operator of the pallet stacker sees the current height, as well as the maximum possible height permitted by the current load weight.
2. Warning when the residual capacity is reached
When the load limit is reached, a warning appears which the operator must acknowledge to continue handling the goods. He is therefore aware that safe handling will then no longer be guaranteed.
3. Warning and blocking of the lifting function
If the operator exceeds the payload, a red warning symbol appears and a warning tone sounds. In addition, the lifting function is disabled.

Load Management Advanced in practice
Assistance in day-to-day handling
Employees often have little experience when it comes to the handling of large, heavy, and long goods with differing dimensions. If the operator makes a mistake when calculating the residual load capacity, this can quickly turn into a safety risk for them or other employees in the warehouse. It is extremely laborious to use a payload diagram to calculate the height up to which the goods may be lifted. However, if employees rely only on their intuition, the truck could tip over in the worst case. Operating errors can also quickly occur when transporting or maneuvering the load, for example because the operator drives with the load raised or the tiller is turned in too abruptly.
Everything under control
Linde Load Management Advanced shows the relevant load information on a large, color display: both the actual weight on the fork arms, and the current and maximum permitted lifting height. In addition, it warns the operator when the fork arms are moved near the maximum payload. If the operator nevertheless raises the fork arms further, the lifting function is switched off, thus preventing a safety-critical situation. The operator can now no longer raise the fork arms but instead only lower them.
To prevent the fork arms from being stuck in the racks at a height of several meters with a load, it is possible to remove the lock and lift the load further. To do this the operator must however first actively confirm the warning notice.
Real-time speed control
The precise information on load weight and lifting height is also used to adjust the acceleration and travel speed of the pallet stacker based on the steering angle, load weight, and lifting height. This prevents the operator from moving the tiller too abruptly at higher speeds or accelerating too fast with the load lifted. Both maneuvers would place the truck in an unstable position.