Linde Material Handling assumes responsibility
27 Mar 2020
"We keep the world moving": that is the guiding principle of KION and Linde Material Handling. We are committed to this motto. With our work, we ensure that material flow is maintained - this includes the continuity of public life, the economy and the necessary supply, not least with food and medical supplies.
In connection with the spread of the coronavirus, we are currently being asked many questions from many sides - customers, suppliers, partners. Here you find the answers to the most important of these questions.
Is the protection of employees guaranteed?
Safety, health and well-being of our employees are our top priority. Linde Material Handling has introduced comprehensive measures to protect our employees. A crisis management team has been set up; rapid implementation of measures is guaranteed across site and national boundaries.
Will production at the plants continue?
Yes, production will continue at Linde Material Handling. However, we will use the - usually relatively quiet - Easter holiday period to prepare our supply logistics in the best possible way for the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic. Production will therefore be suspended for two weeks at most sites. After that we expect a return to normal operations.
Will there be delays in the delivery of Linde products?
Due to border closures and other official measures, delays may occur at some sites. We are trying to keep the impact on our customers as low as possible.
Is Linde Material Handling customer service available?
Yes. Linde Material Handling has the densest service network in Europe and continues to take care of service appointments and repairs. However, there are currently restrictions by authorities in many regions.
And: We will give priority to service requests that concern important supply chains (e.g. medical care, food, etc.). Therefore, we cannot exclude the possibility of delays and waiting times. If you have any questions, please contact our service network by phone or e-mail.
Is the supply of Linde spare parts guaranteed?
Yes, the supply of spare parts is guaranteed for the next months.
Are automation projects put into operation on time?
The automation experts at Linde Material Handling are spread across several locations throughout Europe. There are currently delays due to border closures and travel restrictions - we try to find pragmatic solutions in consultation with our customers.
We at Linde Material Handling take responsibility and make our contribution to maintaining public life and the economy. We ask all our suppliers, customers and partners to act in the same way.